Subic truckers form group to boost operations 

Subic Bay Freeport—At least nine truck traders banded together and formed a group that will conduct negotiations with the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA) and other government regulators in the Subic Bay Freeport Zone, according to a report by BusinessMirror.

Representatives of truck trading firms, most of whom are foreign investors, formed the Subic Truck Importers Association (STIA) over the weekend and discussed issues and opportunities they face, as well as the situation of the truck importing business here.

Trader Rey Nadar, who was elected president of the group, said that by creating STIA, there will be representation that will provide “seamless communication” with SBMA and other government agencies when they conduct their business here.

The other elected officials of the group are Taqel Husnain, vice president; and directors Muodasac of Karmanwala; Chaudry Iftahar of Subic Auto; Shammad Warraich of Jan Japan; Shahzad of Japhil; Malik Shabir of Tramway; Usman Saeed of Subic 361; and Nelson Jaro of Kansai.

STIA will serve as “a collective front” for business dealings without the hassle of doing negotiations separately at the company level, Nadar added.

“SBMA Chairman Eduardo Aliño liked the idea of having a group that will represent the whole truck traders inside this premier Freeport since it will be easier for the agency to discuss matters,” he said. 

“The SBMA Board of Directors was also interested in having discussions with our group.”

During the organizational meeting at the Urban Deli Café, nine truck trading companies joined the group, Nadar said. They are Jan Japan, Subic 361, Lino Khan Intl. Corp., Japhil Intl. Trading Corp., K&B, Subic Auto, Northeast, JP Matariss, and AJS Subic Intl. Corp.

In the meeting, STIA Vice President Taqel Husnain presented issues the truckers are facing, including changes in measurements based on the bill of lading that reportedly affect the fees paid for arrastre, or portside cargo handling operations.

Meanwhile, Husnain shared the good news that the Amerasia International Terminal Services, Inc. (AITSI) will give STIA members a 20-percent discount based on the bill of lading for terminal charges.

In the same meeting, the group’s consultant Michael Sullivan discussed problems that truckers face and pointed out the importance of truckers in the economy, employment, and investments in the Subic Freeport.

He then proposed the creation of a Facilitation Assistance Office (FAO) which will help members speed up the resolution of their concerns. 

He said the creation of STIA would be “the best way” to avoid harassment and ensure equal treatment among trucker traders regardless of their nationality.


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