Puerto Princesa harmonizes tourism promotion 

Photo Courtesy of Hotel.com
Photo Courtesy of Hotel.com

In a move to boost tourism in Puerto Princesa, local stakeholders are coming together to harmonize their promotional efforts across the city's diverse circuits of tourist destinations.

Demetrio Alvior Jr., head of the City Tourism Department (CTD), announced plans to convene community-based sustainable tourism (CBST) associations to strategize on how best to highlight the city's six distinct tourism circuits. Each circuit showcases unique attractions managed by its respective CBST.

"We have scheduled a convention to update our CBSTs on expectations and to facilitate social meetings among tourism stakeholders," Alvior said in an interview on Monday.

The CBST concept empowers local communities to manage and preserve their environment while generating income from tourism, which Alvior credits for Puerto Princesa's successful tourism program.

"Our CBSTs serve as models for tourism management. Stakeholders from across the country visit us to study this concept, which includes representation from NGOs and academia," Alvior added.

Puerto Princesa's circuits include the globally renowned Underground River in Circuit 1, which attracts the most visitors. Circuit 2, in the northeast, is undergoing rehabilitation after damage from Typhoon Odette. Honda Bay (Circuit 3), the central business district (Circuit 4), the West Coast beaches (Circuit 5), and the Acacia Tunnel in Tagbarungis (Circuit 6) are also highlighted.

Plans are in place to develop an "Acacia Park" in Circuit 6, further enhancing the city's tourism offerings.

The convention aims to synchronize strategies among CBSTs to elevate Puerto Princesa's status as a top tourist destination, fostering sustainable tourism practices while preserving its natural beauty.


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